

 Hello, and welcome to Everyday Boundaries! We are Laura, Britta and Nicole and we want to help you enrich your relationships through the use of setting appropriate boundaries. We want to make sure we are giving you information that is applicable to the relationships in your life, so please let us know what kinds of relationships you have that you would like to improve! 

Lesson 5: The Benefits of Reinforcing Your Boundaries (and Q&A)

This is our final lesson! We hope you have benefitted from what you've learned so far. In this lesson, we will explain the benefits of boundaries to help reduce potential guilt in setting boundaries. We will also discuss what to do if someone continuously violates your boundaries after you've set them. Lastly, we have gathered your questions throughout these lessons and have the answers below ! Enjoy! Benefits of Boundaries Setting healthy boundaries is critical to creating healthy relationships. They help you define your needs, limits, and what you are responsible for in the relationship. They also help protect you from letting another person or situation determine your thoughts, feelings, or needs.      “Setting boundaries in a relationship implies your attempt to continue the relationship in a healthy way. It’s not an attempt to hurt the other person.”   -Shilpa   How do boundaries benefit your relationships?     Work relationships -When employees...

Lesson 4: How to Set Boundaries

The first half of this lesson is an overview. To see how it applies to your specific relationship click on this link   to be directed to more options. In lesson three, we covered the importance of setting limits, personal autonomy, and the need for a support system when you want to set a boundary. Now, let's get into how you effectively communicate that boundary.  “The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.”  -Stephen Covey    Four Types of Communication  Verbal communication occurs when we are speaking with another person. It can be face to face, over the phone, zoom, etc. It has to do with the words you are speaking and how you say them. This includes tone, pitch, cadence, and overall meaning.  Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, posture, body language, and even the distance between the people interacting with one another. A persons’ non-verbal communication can often...